Line of cars in downtown Winston-Salem, protesting for a better COVID-19 response, including release of people from jail

The Coronavirus Crisis is creating a state of emergency within Prisons and Jails where people are unable to social distance, have inadequate PPE, and no access to testing. 5 correctional officers have already tested positive confirming that there IS COVID-19 inside the facility 

 In response to this crisis in the Jail, we demand 

  1. 100% Testing for all People detained in the Forsyth County Detention Center
  2. Make PPE available in accordance to the World Health Organization  (WHO) guidelines 
  3. Free people from the detention center beginning with the most vulnerable  (the elderly, those with pre-existing conditions, the immunocompromised).
Photograph of the side of a car. The driver is visible, as well as a sign that say "You Can't Social Distance in a Cage"

By eliminating visits, locking down people in their cells for 20+ hours a day, and simultaneously NOT proactively testing guards and incarcerated people, the jail is committing itself to a punitive response to coronavirus. We demand a response based not in punishment, but in providing health care and preserving life.

Hear from people in the jail:

Letter from 6/17/2020

Photo of a handwritten letter. Text is not visible.

“The following are my responses towards the questions you asked me.

  1. Yes we’ve been given masks just this past weekend to be exact (finally!). They gave all us two mask a piece and said that they are to last us two weeks. A week per mask. They’re white on one with with same baby blue mesh on the other which is for your face.
  2. Am I happy with the preventative measures the jail is taking? Yeah they’re doing aight. The only I don’t like is how they wanna lock us down whenever there is a rally/protest downtown. They don’t want to say that’s the reason why but they only do it when there is a rally/protest.
  3. Do I have any health issues that would put me at risk? NO! I’m aight. I’m healthy as can be, I pretty much stick to myself for the most part.
  4. Would I want a COVID-19 test? Nah, I’m good. I’m not sick in any way. I constantly wash my hands throughout the day and plus I stay to myself for the most part. Trust me if I start to feel sick in any way I’ll request to see a nurse and what not.”